Friday, March 24, 2017

When Having a "Mediocre" Life is Enough

What if All I Want is a Mediocre Life?

What if I have chronic illness that limits me every single day so I'm not able to think of a life "that" big because I'm not physically capable of it? So I just want to be content with a simple life... Because that's me. All this "dream big, there's no limits" just doesn't resonate with me because for me, in my life, there ARE limits, inescapable ones. So those platitudes ring false to me every single time I hear them.

I don't write that to make people feel sorry for me. I write it to give voice to the many of us who HAVE to live with limits and limitations and can't just "dream big, BIGGER!" For many of us, there's a limit to what and how much we can do, and no amount of "RAH! RAH! Yelling positive affirmations" is going to change that. Can't walk up stairs if you need a wheelchair, and that won't change just because you think positive.

For so many of us, the limitations we cope with are inescapable. Doesn't mean we can't contribute or do big things. But for many of us, that's just not our reality. For many of us, a "mediocre" life is what we aspire to because it represents an improvement on our lives or maybe even the best life we can achieve. And that's ok.

Right now, I'm working my way through Esme Wang's Ass Kicking With Limitations course It's a short, 5 day email course, to help you think about how to work better within your limitations. I'm enjoying it. It's simple, but makes you think. It's taking me longer than 5 days to finish because I need to work on it on "good" or "better" days. Been having some ups and downs a lot lately, especially due to trying to find allergy meds that work for me and that I'm not sensitive to. I'm looking forward to finishing the course soon.

We all have to figure out how to live the best life we can, given our own personal circumstances. All we can do is try and put in the effort. Everyone is different. Everyone's view of a good and successful life is different. Don't let what others are doing make you feel discouraged because it's not what you want or are able to do.

Right now, what I want to do is get my Tarot reading business going and work towards being a Crystal Energy Healer. Toward that end I'm blogging and posting on social media when I'm able to. A lot of the "conventional" business wisdom just doesn't help or apply to me, as it's not designed for those with limitations. So I'm stumbling my way through, learning as I go along, finding what works for me.

How do you "kick ass" given your own personal limitations? Feel free to reply in the comments.

Please also consider following me on social media (Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, Pinterest): @RenaraTarot

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