Monday, March 27, 2017

A Way to Remain Objective When Doing Divination for Yourself

Using the guidebook to remain objective for personal readings...

I just read an excellent suggestion for a way to remain objective when reading Cards or doing Divination for yourself. A person in a Tarot Facebook group said someone told her they utilize the deck's accompanying guidebook meanings when reading for themselves. They stick with the guidebook meanings only for interpreting personal readings. That way the message isn't affected by their own personal thoughts and biases. I thought this was a great idea.

I often use the deck guidebook when doing readings for myself, even though I feel very proficient with Tarot, for a couple of reasons. One, I like to get the deck author's take on the cards. Another is that due to chronic illness, I often deal with limited energy and brain fog. Using the deck guidebook for personal readings saves me some of my limited physical and mental energy. This lets me read for myself even if I'm dealing with symptom flares. I've still found these readings to be applicable and accurate for myself, even when using the guidebook.

Far too often I hear the recommendation to "throw the book away." I've always disagreed with this as I'm a book learner. Now I have another reason to ignore that advice and keep and use the guidebook that accompany decks and divination tools.

**Do you ever use the guidebook when doing a divination reading for yourself? Why or why not? Feel free to reply in the comments.

Please consider also following me on social media (Twitter, Instagram,  Tumblr, Pinterest): @RenaraTarot

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